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Invest in Yourself

The best decision I made in my life was to invest- in business, in real estate, and myself. I wish I had done this sooner, but the obstacles added to the experience and fulfillment of starting this new journey.

I had fun doing film projects in college, I averaged a 3.8 GPA, and I met the best people, but none of it gave me any preparation for “The Real World” How do I do my taxes? How do I begin to save on my retirement? Am I really living the best life I can working an hourly wage? No.

I decided to take on a few mentors in business and in real estate investing and knew immediately that this was a good decision. As a 20-year-old at the time, I never knew how many opportunities were available to me.

There is so much to talk about, but one of my life changing perspectives came from reading “The Unfair Advantage” by Robert Kiyosaki. This book is a great introductory book on changing your approach to money, and the beginning chapters discuss how most of us are programmed to accept an hourly wage. It’s hard to let go of the security of a paycheck to do something we are enthusiastic about. I highly suggest you read the book to discover what “Quadrant” you want to be in (Employee, Business Owner, Self Employed, or Investor).

Another key piece of advice I received in owning my own video production business is that I need to have passion in two jobs. One job- which is creating video for clients, and the other job- being the business owner of a company that creates videos for clients. Owning a company is quite a lot of work, writing and implementing systems and processes, accounting, marketing, managing employees, understanding legal ins and outs of the industry- it’s quite a bit of work!

The reward is worth it. I still have so much learning to do- but I want to encourage people to really follow their passions, and to do it as successfully as possible.

More content to come!

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